How to Cool the Summer Mining Rig? Useful Tips
A Well Made Mining rig
Because this is what it is – a state-of-the-art mining rig is required . Those who prefer DIY have a much better chance of creating a support structure that leaves more space between one GPU and another , between one ASIC and another. And that’s not enough, here’s what else helps disperse heat:
- Low consumption power supply.
- Additional fans to dissipate heat.
- Always clean fans.
- Additional heatsinks on the uncovered chips of the motherboard and RAM memory.
- Well ordered cables and far from the fans.
- Prefer open mining, not closed (example: GPU-integrated industrial miners NO).
Where possible, additional oversized heat sinks should be placed, they do not solve the problem but help dissipate more heat. These are just some basic mining rig tips, let’s move on to the room where you placed the device.
The Mining Room
Difficult to please everyone, because everyone placed the mining hardware where he could best: in the room, in the closet, in the garage, in the basement, in the attic, etc.
The ideal is a well-ventilated room where the direct sun does not beat in summer. How many have turned a mining farm into a hut, in summer they could lay a thick cloth over the structure, but not in contact with the roof and protect the side walls with thermal insulators such as rock wool.
Those who do mining at home should avoid placing the equipment in rooms struck by the sun during the hours of greatest sunshine and, in any case, it is advisable not to place the mining rig along the wall exposed to the sun. A natural ventilation system will help air circulation, in particular the passive ventilation system or the solar chimney will be of great help .
Furthermore, dust is an enemy to be fought upstream. The room must be cleaned and kept as isolated as possible. The forced ventilation system in the room must be equipped with dust filters .
The TwoTon Hasher Solution
Watch the video below of TwoTon Hasher , a nice gentleman who lives south of Florida in the USA. A warm area comparable to southern Italy.
He created wooden boxes with air intakes in the lower part, suitably covered with dust filters. At the top there is a large fan that sucks the air forced from the bottom upwards.
Note the location of the mining hardware. In this configuration the mining devices (of the GPU) are placed in the lower part of the caisson near the large air intakes. A constant and powerful air flow passes between the electronic components, dissipating heat. The boxes are also closed on all sides, creating a powerful chimney effect that pulls the air upwards.